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Making Zines! Tactics and Techniques

Zine, is a shortened form of the word magazine, and it usually refers to an independently published booklet. A zine could be a fanzine, made by fans or a perzine, about a very personal subject. It might be about some kind of personal obsession or a collective work, of poetry, prose, pictures and photos. Zinesters make their own publications about subjects the mainstream press ignore. For the mainstream press is subject to the whims and big budgets of big brands advertising in their pages. However the Do it yourself movement relishes the imperfect and the downright cheap and cheerful. A zine could be a Do It Yourself comic with wonky line drawings, or made by cutting up mainstream magazines to collage illustrations. First I'm going to talk about Cut ups and collages! The act of cutting up and collaging images is so important to the DIY printing and publishing community because by rearranging images and texts, the original's message can be questioned and mocked. For ma

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